September Eleventh Two Thousand and One

911-picGood day everyone,

Today we focus on that horrific event called 911.

As your contributing host, my job is to present the evidence, and let the subscriber decide for themselves. I really never believed the official story of 911, and maybe you didn’t either. Thinking of the idea of over one hundred floors of building collapsing in ten seconds, and the question of, “where’s the plane?” at the Pentagon along with so many others.

No matter what, it was a horrible event that should never be repeated. After years of my own research and many theories that I went with, this one was the only one that I felt could explain it all. If you have some time today to reflect and remember, plan to watch it. I’ve downloaded it here for you. Judy Woods expose’ on 911:  Where did the towers go? CLICK HERE .

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